Winter in Greater Copenhagen Region
Snow and ice brings both beauty and fun to Greater Copenhagen Region
To be perfectly honest, winter in Greater Copenhagen Region can be a bit dark and dreary. But every once in a while it turns into a wonderland of glistening snow and ice – enticing locals to forsake the warmth of their homes to engage in various outdoor activities.
There is perhaps nothing more beautiful than a winter’s day after a heavy snowfall. The cold air feels invigoratingly clear and crisp, and the gloom has been banished and replaced by a landscape blanketed in sparkling brightness.
As if wrapped in cotton, the contours of the world now appear smooth and soft. And as you go outside, the most distinct sound you’ll hear is the crunching of snow beneath your feet, as the background noises of modernity have become muffled and faint.
But aesthetics aside, arguably the most appealing aspect of the winter cold is the many fun-filled outdoor activities it enables for young and adults alike. And in Greater Copenhagen Region there are plenty to choose from.
Below you'll find a few popular examples.
Ice skating
When temperatures drop below freezing, many Greater Copenhagen Region residents put on their ice skates to enjoy some good-old-fashioned outdoor fun.
At lakes, ponds and ice skating rinks across the region, kids and adults alike gather to slide, slip, glide and skate across the icy surface, accompanied by the sounds of merriment and the scent of hot chocolate.
But what if you don’t own a pair of ice skates? Don’t worry, there are places where you can either rent or borrow them. Beware though, a bruised bum is a near-guarantee on your first go.

Despite Greater Copenhagen Region’s rather flat topography, and relatively unreliable supply of snow, downhill skiing is still possible here.
Amazingly, the City of Copenhagen has built an artificial ski slope on the roof of a waste-to-energy power plant, right in the heart of the city. This downtown ‘mountain’ stands 85 metres tall and comes equipped with modern ski lifts, a well-stocked ski shop and even a cosy after-ski bar.
In fact, at the CopenHill recreational facility snow is not even a requirement, as the slope’s special surface material enables year-round skiing.

Heavy, persistent snowfall is not that common in Greater Copenhagen Region. But when it does occur, kids (and quite a few adults as well) rejoice: It’s sledding time!
Snow covered hills and slopes across the region suddenly become a bit precarious to traverse on foot, as scores of rosy-cheeked children race their sleds and toboggans downhill, while screaming of excitement and joy.
And if you’re an adult and this winter activity sounds irresistibly fun, don’t fret, as this is one occasion when being “childish” is definitely not considered taboo.

Winter bathing
Every winter there are quite a few hardy (some would say foolhardy) Danes and Swedes that regularly put on their swim wear to take a leisurely dip in the nearest ice-free body of water.
Winter bathing, painfully cold as it might be, is actually a really healthy practice, improving your circulation and boosting your immune system among other benefits. It also gives you a natural high, and if accompanied by a nice, steaming hot visit to the sauna it can be quite an enjoyable experience.
However, if swimming in hypothermia-inducing water sounds a bit too adventurous to you, skipping that part and going straight for the sauna will only cause a temporary loss of prestige.

Greater Copenhagen Region is a place of endless opportunities for businesses and people alike. A place to live grow and evolve.
- Top-quality of life
- Great for doing business
- Highly educated population
- Excellent infrastructure
- Direct proximity to two markets
- Lovely pastries

For more interesting facts and testimonials about what Greater Copenhagen Region has to offer, check out:

About Greater Copenhagen Region
Greater Copenhagen Region stretches over the borders of Denmark and Sweden. With 4.4 million inhabitants and 17 universities, it’s the largest metropolitan area in the Nordics and a global hub for growth, sustainable solutions and innovation. The region offers world-class research facilities and a creative business environment. Outstanding infrastructure makes Greater Copenhagen Region highly connected via rail, road, air and sea. The two main cities of the region, Sweden’s Malmö and Denmark’s Copenhagen are just a half hour train-ride apart. Its strategic location makes Greater Copenhagen Region the link between 25 million consumers in Scandinavia and 125 million in Northern Europe.